Here are a few more photos from our Christmas-time in Texas!
Bob and the boys, along with my brother and nephew, went to Lowell's ranch in Ranger to deer hunt. They only saw a few deer and only took shots at Coke cans, but it was a fun time.

I had a great Christmas eve breakfast with some of my sweet friends. From L-R, Lori,
Tracey, yours truly, Lacy, Tonia and
Denyse (
Shannon was ill and couldn't make it...missed you, girl!) I love laughing with these girls!

Christmas morning...

We went with my mom down to our friends Jim and Carolyn's house for Christmas supper. The food was delicious and the company was refreshing. And we enjoyed a few laughs watching the kids play Wii!

My dear friend Carolyn (a.k.a. CJ) and I have had a special connection for a long time and it is always wonderful to have some time together. She's like a sister to me.

My brother and his family arrived at my mom's the day after Christmas and we had some fun time together. Here are all of the cousins together again after two years!

Bob and I with my brother, Patrick, and his wife,

Bob is leading the younger set into the living room for a calm and orderly distribution of stockings and gifts!

From oldest to youngest...

We had a fun visit with our friends, the Bosharts. Here is my Austin holding Rebecca's Austin. :)

My lovely friend, Cinda!

And two of Cinda's very fun daughters,
Hannah and

Emma and Laura have been friends since they were born and we had lots of good time with Laura on this visit! They are sporting matching pj's in honour of old times' sake and memories of past sleepovers.

On the way back home, we had a little trouble with delayed flights and didn't make our connection to Buffalo. We ended up staying an unexpected night in Chicago and of course had to try Chicago-style pizza for the first time. It was a hit!

A picnic with pizza and a
movie after a crazy day of travel. The kids are such troopers and had great attitudes about our "adventure" in Chicago.

A welcomed sight!
I do not know why it has taken me awhile to get back into life and a normal schedule, but I think I am finally on track again. I have not, however, re-acclimated to the cold. It was warm in Texas. Some days were too warm for me (like 28 C. on the first day of winter...what?). But this cold is COLD and I am not quite back to embracing it yet. The wind chill is -14 right now (that is 7 degrees Fahrenheit, by the way, for my southern friends)!
Pass me another blanket!
Stay warm and be blessed!
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