McMaster University
In early January, we helped to host a joint prayer and worship time for the ministries on campus as well as some local churches in the area. Bob has been part of a group of churches/intercessors in Hamilton called the Nehemiah Prayer Group for a few years. He has been able to share Kingdom stories of students coming to Jesus, praying, being healed, baptized, learning to walk in dreams/visions, hungry for Scripture and being sent out. The group has been so encouraged that they wanted to come and partner with the ministries on campus and be a blessing. So that night was one of those “Holy Wow” kind of evenings together as a multi-generational group worshipped Jesus together and focused on the Kingdom. Bob spoke from Isaiah 61, and afterwards, one of the students came up and said he had been reading that passage earlier that morning and the Lord told him that was going to be the message that night. Another pastor shared about a dream his wife had had when they first moved to Hamilton about a lion blowing over this city and clearing the air. He was a bit skeptical at first about this. Then a few weeks later he was in a meeting where someone sketched in a drawing exactly what his wife had seen. As he shared at McMaster that evening, it was evident that some things are happening at Mac and in Hamilton that are much bigger than each of our own ministries. So we all stepped back, prayed together that night and were just in awe of what the Father was showing us. We, as the whole body of Christ in Hamilton, must stay focused on the Kingdom, walk in unity and keep in tune with the Father so we can see awakening and revival spread in Hamilton at a whole new level.

A New Book
About this same time as we were praying as a family, the Lord began showing all of us that this chapter…and really this book…is coming to a close for us here in Hamilton. Through many dreams, visions and circumstances, we sense the Lord is moving us this year…probably in June…to Virginia, within driving distance to DC. This has been an exciting and accelerated time of growth for our family. There are so many things that we feel like the Lord has downloaded to us since early January that it is hard to grasp at times. We have received several pieces of this puzzle about future ministry, etc., but are still waiting on more to see the whole picture.
We are asking that you pray with us over the next few months as we discover as a family more pieces to the puzzle, keys to open doors, etc.
Specific Requests
*The Royce crew is headed down to the Virginia area later this month to explore and pray together, enjoy some sightseeing and to discover what else the Lord wants to show us. Please pray for us during this time.
*Pray for keys to unlock doors and more pieces to complete the puzzle!
*Thank you, thank you, thank you for your continued giving and praying during this time.
We have begun to share this with our friends and network of churches here in the Toronto area that the Lord is preparing us for a move. It has been such a privilege for us these past 8 years to be connected with The Sanctuary, the CNBC, and other Kingdom-minded friends here…especially in Westdale and at McMaster. Our family feels much like Paul did when he sensed the urgency to leave Ephesus and move on in Acts 20. I love how the Message puts it:
“Then Paul went down on his knees, all of them kneeling with him, and prayed. And then a river of tears.”
There have been a few joyful (and some sad) tears already…and probably a few more to come. We are so very grateful and excited about the future. We feel like we are journeying on an unforgettable quest!
We will keep you posted as things develop and really do appreciate you joyfully interceding for us during the months ahead. Please let us know that you are doing so!
Bob and Scarlett
Emma, Austin, Benjamin, Ava and Maya
Praying Scarlett and looking forward to seeing what all God has for you guys in the future.
ReplyDeleteScarlett, I join you in thanking God for the amazing ways He's working, and I'll be praying for continued leading and guidance as you step out in obedience! Much love ~
ReplyDeleteanxiously waiting to hear more on the dreams visions circumstances
Jen, thank you for your prayers! I need them!
ReplyDeleteNikki, thank you for your love and support! Love you!
ReplyDeleteKaren, yes, I am looking forward to telling you more. The dates you gave me don't work for this week. Sorry! Please text me with any time you have for next week. Love you!
ReplyDeleteWow! Lots of exciting changes, friend! Praying for God to lead you all every step of the way~
ReplyDeleteThanks for your prayers and excitement, Missy! <3
ReplyDeleteSo many exciting things in store! Wow! Jeff and I will be lifting you all up in prayer in these coming months. It's such a blessing to know you guys and see the amazing way that God is moving in your lives. We miss you all! Sending our love :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mel! We miss you, too, and we definitely want you to come to Virginia for a visit! And let us know if you're coming to Ontario any time soon. Love you guys!!!