Thursday, January 26, 2012

Please continue praying...

This is an update from two days ago and I have more to report in a separate post...

Here is an update for the last two days.

On Saturday, we fed the orphans chicken stew. 80 chickens were killed to feed them. It was a very moving time. It was good to see the health of the orphans as they have improved in health since we started this program of feeding them. It was a good time of remembering how the Lord has led and provided for their needs.

It came to light on Saturday that Machakos as a town was founded by a witchdoctor named Masaku thus the name Machakos. The 1st building in the town was built with a foundation that included the blood offering of witchcraft....thus the foundation of this city is a blood covenant with the enemy. So you see why so much poverty and witchcraft in the city. This city is more intrinsically poor than most in Kenya and there is no intrinsic wealth here. Also there is much more witchcraft and demonization than in other parts of Kenya. The Lord had told me in my spirit several days ago that we should have communion together with Onesmus and Esther. I then received a text from Angela M. that the Lord had spoken to her in Cincinnati at a 3am feeding of her baby while she prayed in the Spirit that it was important for us to take communion and meditate on the power of the blood of Jesus. So on Saturday night we did that.

The Lord began to stir me then about the blood covenant this city through it's founder has with the enemy and that this covenant needs to be renounced and the New Covenant in the blood of Christ put over this city. So that was the message on Sunday morning. It moved the people and we as a people did repent for the evil the founders of this city had done and we proclaimed the stronger covenant in Jesus' blood. I told the people that this would not be easy and that the enemy would fight to keep his territory but that Jesus' through His blood would prevail.

In the evening we had a healing and deliverance service where about 30 people were saved and then many began to shriek and writhe in demonic even vomiting up blood as the demons left. Again we were reminded that in both Luke 11 and Matt 12, Jesus made clear that if we do not stand with Him in casting out demons then we scatter and are not with Him. This is a crucial element of the Kingdom. He says that the way you know that the Kingdom of God has come upon a place is that the finger of God casts out demons through initially Jesus and now us in His name. This is how you know the Kingdom has come. The Kingdom of God is not is word but in power. Healing and deliverance are essential elements in the Kingdom of cannot have God's Kingdom without this.

In the evening, we discussed the day with Onesmus and Esther. It seemed to us that in order for there to be a proper renunciation of the demonic blood covenant underlying this city, then it would be good to have the leadership of the city to renounce the old covenant and ask the Lord to cover this city in His blood and blood covenant of the cross. Then I believe we would see even more power of God and restoration over this city and area. There is also the need for more intensive discipling of the leaders here and from the bush churches. So it may be necessary for me to return in March at which time I have asked that Onesmus and Esther begin to pray and fast that we receive favor with the civil authorities and invite them to a meal at Onemus' house. At that meal I would discuss with them the power of the Blood of Jesus and the need to renounce as a city the old covenant that has allowed witchcraft, poverty, disease and other bondage to prevail here. Onesmus says that he has favor and that they will come. We will keep this as a matter for prayer and then see how the Lord opens the door. We will also try to include other leaders from the churches that have opposed us.

When I am here new stories emerge that give me even greater appreciation for the work. Onesmus told me that last January he was taking 79 bibles we had bought into the bush to distribute them. It was a time of rain. So no vehicles could move. He walked 7-8 hours into the bush with these bibles on his back for 2 hrs and then paid two people to help him carry them the remaining 5 or 6 hrs. This really impressed me and I asked him why he had not told me before.....he simply replied that you do not have to know everything and that this was nothing....just his duty.

Esther told us that during the time before I came the first time and they were having so many problems that she had at one time packed up all her things and was going to return to Meru away from Machakos. Onesmus said he would stay and preach. She got a certain distance and then the vehicle would no longer go toward Meru and would only go towards Machakos. So she knew that she had to return to Machakos and could not leave. God was determined for this.

There will be 3 days of open air preaching this week....Weds, Thurs and Friday as well as more healing and deliverance services. Food will be distributed to the grandmothers on Tues.

Thanks for praying.

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