Monday, January 26, 2009

Kingdom Rich

Here is an update that went out to our fellowship today from Bob...

Wow...we have a day off in Meru, Kenya and have been in some amazing meetings with different fellowships. God is pouring out His spirit in dreams and visions to the earthly poor but Kingdom rich in poor towns, the lush, refreshing mountains where tea is grown and in the really...remote bush. Our friend has walked the path 6 hours before into the bush to deliver Bibles to this amazing group who were too poor to have one.We've seen folks saved, healed [including progressive healing of the blind, heart problems, headaches, etc.], and delivered from demons.

We've been casting the vision of the Kingdom and the Lord raising up His people all over the globe. In one village 2 people had received dreams and visions about 3 Mizungus [white people] coming to their fellowship in the bush...this is before they knew we were coming. God is raising up intercessors to pray the Kingdom into the earth...beautiful.

We hiked about 1 hour yesterday in the bush in 35+ heat, down a dirt path to baptize 30 or so new brothers and sisters in the refreshing river. The whole way our beautiful Kenyan brothers and sisters were singing loudly in their amazing and powerful Kenyan tone, beating their drums and praising the Lord! What a sight and privilege. That fellowship sent us off with some gifts...including a live chicken for me for doing the baptisms...I was in tears and grateful for the privilege.

Day off and safari today...birds, elephant, buffalo, giraffe, zebra, cheetahs, ostriches, LIONS, hippo with baby, crocodile, impala, gazelle and cool.

Thank you guys for wrestling with us in prayer and for loving our family while I'm away.

His Kingdom is mighty.

And loved we are...friends are bringing meals to help me out, taking my children or watching them here so that I can have a little time to myself, calling, emailing and praying. Yes, we are loved. And we are thrilled to have this latest communication from Bob. God is moving and lives are being transformed from darkness to LIGHT! Praise His Name!

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