Saturday, September 7, 2013


To celebrate the ending to a successful first week back to homeschooling yesterday, we went to the park. It was a perfect September day to breathe in some fresh air. . . still warm enough to call summer, the sun still bright and toasty, the sky clear blue with only a few clouds drifting by, and cooler temperatures to be found in the shade. The pond was, most of the time, completely still, with a few ripples in the water from time to time. There were fish to catch (unfortunately, I wasn't close enough to snap any photos), birds to watch and listen to, and insects flitting all about. There were also turtles galore, enjoying the sun. We saw evidence of leaves which are slowly starting to show their autumn colours. And we enjoyed improvements that have been made to the playground. 

Now here's to a restful remainder of the weekend! xo

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