Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rejoicing Over Good News!

Faith is Healed!!!!!!!!

Peb received this update today from Onesmus and Esther:

Today in the Morning at 9:30am,Esther visited the family of Faith, a little girl who is a daughter of Siloam. She found that, she is going on well and the growth on her spinal chord from TB is healed. Last Month of February, her Mother had planned to take her to Kenyatta National Hospital for treatment, but after all she never went there. Afterward, God healed her from the painful growth and now she is doing well. Esther told me, when you visited her with Bob, you prayed for her for healing and deliverance. Praise the Lord for the Miracle.

You may remember I first mentioned Siloam, Faith's mom, in this post.

And I had this report from Bob's trip last month.

Praise to our Father and Healer!!!
Blessings in Jesus!

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